Coaching for “vertical” leadership development
I offer a Vertical Leadership Development Coaching process that begins by discerning your current centre-of-gravity developmental stage/action-logic followed by in-depth exploration of a particular leadership or organisational issue or situation, currently being experienced, that can be a “living laboratory” for us to gently and respectfully explore blind spots, assumptions and defensive routines and together generate new ways of seeing the situation and alternative possibilities and ways to move forward. With minimal disruption to work (1 hour per session), this approach offers deep and effective leadership and personal development that is grounded in your present situation and ongoing experience.
As a first step in the program participants undertake the Global Leadership Profile (GLP). The GLP invites you to respond to 30 sentence stems in an hour or less. I will facilitate and guide you through this process.
Once you have submitted your responses I will send you a Self Estimate document. This process of self-evaluating your action-logics is an integral part of my approach, drawing as it does on your experience of yourself-in-action. In working through this document you’ll also have the opportunity to gather feedback from colleagues and ask them to estimate your leadership action-logic.
When you receive your GLP report it offers a baseline and a rich source of data for discussion and further exploration. It consists of:
- Your Centre-of-Gravity action-logic.
- A full description of the strengths and developmental challenges of your particular leadership action-logic
- An overview of the prior and emergent action-logics.
The follow-up process then usually continues through six one-hour sessions:
- The first session is an in-depth analysis of the GLP report, the self-estimate and a scoping of the developmental landscape for the following sessions. I will encourage you to bring to this session your sense of:
- How you came to be where you are.
- Where you feel stuck or disquieted.
- How you relate to earlier action-logics.
- What is attracting you or drawing you forward.
- In sessions 2 to 5, we will conduct our own mini action inquiry process to collaboratively in exploring the relationship between your current situation and your way of seeing the world. During this time you will be encouraged and supported to try out new practices and ways of thinking.
- The final session (6) begins with a self-evaluation and then focuses on strategies for reinforcing and sustaining the emerging new leadership behaviour.
This sequence allows time to establish a pattern of reflection, deconstruction, trialing, and then embedding new orientations and behaviours.
For more information please contact me for a confidential discussion.