Global Leadership Profile

Global Leadership Profile

The Global Leadership Profile (GLP) reveals the operating action-logics that drive your leadership. It also helps you identify how you can potentially transform your leadership action-logic to become more effective: in managing people; in helping them transform toward greater efficacy; and in co-leading team and organizational transformation toward greater agility and sustainability in the multi-cultural and ecological environments.

The Global Leadership Profile (GLP) is a both a guided self-inquiry and a professionally-scored profile tool that helps identify a person’s centre of gravity leadership action-logic and the edges of their ongoing development as a leader.

Each of us is enacting our life at work and at home through a particularly patterned way of interacting and inquiring with others. One way of describing this is as our centre-of-gravity action-logic. Each of us also has characteristic patterns to which we may fall back at moments of stress, as well as an emerging action-logic we might choose to cultivate.

The GLP, co-developed by Elaine Herdman-Barker and William (Bill) Torbert, is based on thirty years of research, and used with permission of Action Inquiry Associates.

It invites you to respond to 30 sentence stems in an hour or less. Three weeks later you receive an analysis of your approach to problem resolution, and how you make sense of circumstances and events. This will help you begin your own inquiry into how you typically orient yourself across situations and contexts by exploring:

  • Your centre-of gravity action logic
  • Your fall-back and emergent action-logics
  • The actions and inquiries on your part that will contribute toward a more timely and transformational action-pattern within your web of work, family, and voluntary systems.

If this intrigues you lets talk and see if we can figure out whether there is a fit with your current situation and the investment in time will be worth it for you.